Caret html update#
If you get a false positive (i.e., you set a monospace font and it complained about it) please let me know so I can update the test accordingly.ġ.8.4: Added a preference for when to show update notifications - "background", "launch", or "silent". If this affects you, I'd love to have help figuring out the problem.ġ.8.17: Lots of fixes for the project view and tabs (thanks to Alistair and Joel!)ġ.8.13: Caret will now switch to the existing tab if you try to open a file twice, instead of opening it in a second tab and then creating a black hole that swallows your neighborhood.ġ.8.11: Add Fortran support, and nag people who override the browser default for "monospace" with a variable-width font.ġ.8.9: Fix a new bug with printing documents in newer versions of Chrome.ġ.8.6: Caret will now detect non-monospaced font family settings (which are not, and have never been, supported in the editor) and warn you about them. Added an option to set the line height in the editor.ġ.8.19: Removed Lucene syntax, which was causing hard locks for some reason.

Updated the Swedish translation (Thanks, Rasmus!).ġ.8.20: Updated Ace to the newest version, added support for OpenHab and Salesforce syntax. Added the e-mail MIME type to the manifest. Added TSX to the language modes (thanks, Nathan).ġ.8.21: Updated Ace to the newest build. Added Croatian and updated German translations (thanks to milotype). If you like Caret, leave a review! I love reviews.ġ.8.24: Added French translation (thanks, Jérôme). Looking for Git/Drive/SFTP support? Please read this note: Ĭaret is also 100% open-source: please feel free to contribute code and file bugs via the GitHub repo (see website link on Details tab, or look in the menus for Settings > About Caret). Help documentation is available at the GitHub wiki, including a list of possible keyboard/menu commands: Command palette/smart "go to" functionality Sublime-compatible keymappings, including multiple cursors and selections

Project view with full-text search and project-specific settings files open files directly from the Chrome OS file manager syntax highlighting for many languages, and lots of color themes total offline support-no network connection required, ever
Caret html install#
The goal of Caret is to provide a missing portion of the Chrome OS developer story: serious programmer tooling without needing to install a second OS and learn Vim. Professional text editing for Chrome and Chrome OS Caret is a graphical text editor modeled on Sublime Text, running completely offline (no Internet connection required) and capable of opening and saving files anywhere on your hard drive.